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Sunday, 29 April 2012


Health  and safety

While useing the computer I had regular breaks so I didn`t get headaches and I never got behind in my pratical work. Also when I was on the computer and I wanted a drink I stood away from the computers, so I didn`t risk spiling any liquids on the electrical equipment. Also while I was on the computer I made sure none of the wires where hanging down and that they were tucked behind the computer, so no one could trip over the wires because they either would have broken the computer or even more they cause injur themselfs if they feel over a lose hanging wire. And all the electrical equipment I used had been PAT tested. If one of the computers I was using didn`t work I didn`t play with it, I went and got sir or even a technitian from ICT to help me with the computer, because I might have broken the computer or even got an electric shock.

Evaluating my final piece

What went well,
                          In my final pop up book I was able to put in all the pops I wanted to put in my book with no trouble what so ever, also I had no trouble fitting my pops into my book cause I made them all th right size to fit into my pop also they all worked really well with no problems. I only had to design my pops for my final book once because they worked really well first time and I saw no reason to change them when they worked well and also they look good how they are, and they catch your eyes straight away. Also the colours I used stand out really well to people looking at my pop up book, and this went really well to because they are colours that are used eveyday but will still catch anybodys eyes.

The things I struggled with,
                                            One of the things I struggled with was chooseing what types of pop to use in my final pop up book because there were so many good pops I could do to put in my final book but I made my choose in the end, also I struggled with getting my people in my final pop up book to look the right size without them looking to small or too big, it took me a few attempts to get them right.

The things I would change and why would be,
                                                                          I would change some of my pops to something more harder to make if I had more time to make and trial different pops and what I could do with them, and also I would make them more attractive to look at aswell, my pops are simple to make and also they are not to bad to look at but I think I could make them look alot better than I have next time around. Also next time I would have more pops into my book, just for more intertainment when looking through my pop up book, also I would make my book alot bigger because this time round I have the smallest book in the whole class and it looks neat and tidy but if I made my book bigger I could fit more onto each page and also I could add more pops on each page which would make my book more intersting to look at for people when they look through my book.

How Nick Sharrat has influenced me

In his work he uses loads of bright colours to catch peoples eye and attention when they see his book and it draws them in, so in my pop up book I have used bright colours to draw people in when they see my book too, also he puts smiles on all his characters faces when he draws,. this makes us feel like his books are happy books with happy storys to them which makes people look at his work, so in my work I have put smiles on my characters so give people the same impression, also when hes usig colour he uses loads of different colour instead of just using the same few boaring colours that everyone uses, this gives hs work that lasting impression to us. I put loads of different colour into my pop up book to give people to look at my pop up book and leave them with thatlasting impression. Also when using bright colours it gives people that impression that it is a real fun and happy story that anyone will enjoy looking at or reading it.
How I have adapted my final piece due to circumstances/resources

Before making my final product I used photoshop and Illustrator and tested them out to see how good I was with using them because I wanted to see what things I could do to my book using these processes to make my book look nice when people see my book, but in the end I chose to do my whole book by hand because I felt more confident doing my book by hand because I could see how things work and what I could do to improve my pops. Eventually I blogged all my photos of my work to evidence all the things I had done over this two year course right from the very start to finish. 

Things about my folds book and Illustrator

The folds book was quite tricky at times with certain pops, but overall this process of pops was very fun to do and I would love to do this kind of thing again, the most difficult part of this process was doing the box fold cause it was the most hardest pop we did and to over come this problem I looked at sirs pop up of the box fold and I worked out myself how he did it and then I managed to do it, making a folds book like this is really good because you get an idea of how every pop works and if you use them in your book, you can get an idea of how you can use them in your pop u book.
Doing the pirate on Illustrator was a bit tricky during some stages of making it but also it was quite fun because it was something that ive never done before and it was nice to do something I havn`t done before, the most difficult part of this process was putting the background and writing onto the pirate because you had to import the background and also re size it, also the writing was quite tricky because you had to go onto a different website and import it from there and change the size andfon size and style and even colour which got me confussed at times, but to overcome this I asked sir to help and show me how to do this and he showed me and then I managed to do it myself, using Illustrator is a great process because if you don`t like certain parts on the pirate you can just change them to what you think looks right and you can just change the colours just like that, but if you did it by hand and if you wanted to change something you would have to do everything all over again and this would save alot of valuable time in the making process.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Final Book

Front cover
Inside front cover
1st pop
2nd pop
3rd pop
4th pop
5th pop
Inside back cover
Back of front cover

All of these pictures in this post are pictures of my final pop up book finished.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Work in progress Pop up book

Bits and pieces, these are things I used to make my final pop up book and also has a bit of my Dummy book which shows us what I wanted one of my pops in my final pop up book to look like.
This is my 5th pop in my book, at the back is my dummy book and what I wanted the pop to look like and on the left and right is loads of different size footballs, so I could see what size football would look best for my book.
This is my 4th pop in my pop up book, at the top of the picture is my dummy of the pop I want to re create in my final book and at the bottom is bits I have cut out for my final pop that I need to make.
My 3rd pop, at the top is what I want my final pop to look like and at the bottom is the bit and the background that ive made for my final book.
This is my 2nd pop, top is what I want it to look like and bottom is my final design of it that I need to stick down and make a goalkeeper with some string to make it hang.
My 1st pop, at the top was my first design of it and at the bottom is my final design, I havnt changed the design at all because it worked really well and I saw no reason to change the design.
Front inside cover what i wanted it to look like and how it did look in my final design before I pu my final book together.
Inside back cover what I wanted it to look like and how it looked when I finished it, I took the litle book out because it didnt look right in my final book.
All this pictures in this post, I have pictures of my final backgrounds and pops next to my dummy of what I wanted them all to look like at the very start of the course.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Work in progress pop up book

Make shift cover to keep all mybackgrounds together so they dont get damaged

Background to my 3rd pop, that I made useing water colours 
 Background to my 2nd pop, I used water colours for this too
Inside cover of my pop up book, used water colours for this too

Water colour background to my 5th pop
Watercolour background for my 4th background
Water colour flag for my 1st background
Inside cover of my pop up book.

My whole make shift cover of my pop up book.

These last three pictures were pictures of a little facts book that i am going to put in the back of my real pop up book.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Production Plan

This is my production plan, this is all the stuff that I needed to use to do each of my tasks and how long it took me to do each one and ive even got when I finished each task.

Risk Assesment

We all did this to see what kind of risks there are on this course and if there is a high risk of those accidents happening and what we did to avoid these Hazards.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

My Dummy Book

Front cover to my Dummy book
Inside front cover to my Dummy book
1st pop in my Dummy book, pull up hand
Second pop in my Dummy book, pop up goal with suspended goalkeeper
3rd pop in my Dummy book, pop up advertising board
4th pop in my Dummy book, pop up box
5th pop in my Dummy book, pop up goalkeeper and football
Inside back cover to my Dummy book
Back cover to my Dummy book

All of these pictures are what i intend to put on each page of my proper pop-up book.